RTO, or Reasonable Time Only Projects
Reasonable Time Only (RTO) is the term I use regarding boats with Fair, Poor, or No Paint condition that we clean on a four week cleaning cycle during the months of May through Oct.
We recommend that boats in this condition be put on a two week cleaning cycle, but there are those who for whatever reason cannot do this, so I have developed this alternative plan.
We increase your price somewhat and clean the boat the best we can for those months. For the month of May and June we will be able to clean it up pretty well but the later months we will scrap the coral off the hull, prop, clean the intakes and waterline. After Oct. we will clean up the boat and drop the price back to the Fair, Poor, or No Paint price
Again, I have created to help those of you who do not want to go on the two week service so I have tried to be fair to both you and my divers. So you can get what you want and we won’t kill the divers in the process.